The miracle of hearing…

I have experienced a lifetime of hearing related issues and for most of that time I suffered in silence. It’s only been over the last ten years that I have found doctors that have been able to identify and albeit temporarily at times resolved my hearing loss. The fall of 2015 after a long battle with ear infections and a cholesteotoma in my left ear I had surgery for the first time and my brilliant doctor replaced the bones of my inner ear with a prosthesis which allowed be the best hearing in my left ear of my memorable life. For the following year plus, I listened with pleasure as I heard the laghter and crying of my beautiful granddaughters, enjoyed the amazing tunes of gong bathes both as a participant and player and have come to marvel in the healing properties of the Tibetan singing bowls that I play during the deep relaxation at the end of each Kundalini Yoga class I teach on Monday evenings. In December of 2016 I got a severe cold that resulted in a fifty percent loss of hearing in both ears, negative pressure in my left ear endangering the prosthetic and a blow out of my right ear that requires reconstructive surgery to repair it.
Today, I anticipate awaking in the late morning to the wonderful face of my wife after a fully successful surgery. I can’t wait to have to opportunity to think, my grandchildren should keep down the noise for the neighbors but not really care and again hear the sounds of the ocean…

Love and Blessings to all!
May Truth, Light and Love

Guide Our Path